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Sunday, May 19, 2024

ISSN: 2251-1237

Girls…guys…stop playing with fire!!!

NewsGirls…guys…stop playing with fire!!!

Hello Aunty Temilolu,
Happy New Year and I hope you’re good? Mummy, finally the date is out as I can’t hide my joy. I’m glad I did it myself single-handedly without having to use my body to earn a master’s degree even when it seemed difficult and expensive. Ooh… I’m proud of myself that I could still go this far even as a virgin. Thank you so much mummy for all your moral support! Thanks for being a wonderful role model. I appreciate your efforts and I won’t take it for granted. I promise to remain a good girl!
Ope, 29
Dear Aunty Temi,
I came across one of your articles where you said copulating could be a form of marriage. I’d like you to please explain more on what you mean by that because I have been hearing such but never got any explanation. I’m a 17-year-old virgin boy and I’m determined to remain that way till marriage. However, I’m under a lot of pressure. Please shed light on it. Thank you.
Dear Ade,
I love your focus, curiosity and meticulousness! I tell you, too many all over the world are married to people God didn’t join them with. They are married outside God’s plan for them. Too many miss their divine spouses because of premarital sex. According to scripture, marriage is fundamentally a matter of a man and a woman becoming one flesh. “Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
Any guy could say sleeping with a lady doesn’t mean he’s married to her because he’s not fulfilled two of the conditions in the above scripture which are forsaking the relationship he has with his parents and entering into a marriage covenant. However, the third condition which is the consummation-sexual union is the most dangerous! It is tantamount to a fusion of souls! This is consistent with Paul’s warning in 1 Corinthians 6:16, that says, “Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two shall become one flesh.”
Sexual intercourse is a spiritual union! It bonds two souls and multiple spirits together. Sexual intercourse is spiritual intercourse, spiritual exchange! When you engage in sexual intercourse you make a huge commitment which also carries a heavy weight in the supernatural realm. Whoever you sleep with has a very strong hold on your spirit because you deposited something into each other! Your spirit is the bedrock of your destiny! If the average youth understood the spiritual contract they’re getting into with sexual intercourse, they won’t be too quick to date. Sadly, the devil has presented sex so loosely to the world as an indoor game. What cruelty! How sad!
My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters, a lot of you got into so much trouble I’m praying would never rear its ugly head. But it usually does! Premarital sex is more than a sin! A lot have slept with persons who have deposited so much evil as well as ill-luck in their destiny! A lot have had their virtues- wealth and what would make them shine in life diabolically transferred through sex. A lot have been completely emptied and that’s why they find themselves in cyclic problems, stagnated, aimlessly roaming about the world not knowing what to do. A lot more have been thrown into a spiritual wilderness out of their parents’ permissiveness!!! A lot are going to mis-marry and get into serious trouble if care isn’t taken because they couldn’t control their flesh; because they fell in love stupidly and too soon; because they wanted to form big girl! Aww….what a pity!
Girls…girls…girls, if you don’t want trouble, serious trouble that could divert the course of your destiny – if you’ve been engaging in sex, go and cling to God, tell Him to have mercy on you and break your soul away from ungodly soul-ties! I mean the souls fused into yours through sex! This is a very serious matter! You need to be thoroughly cleansed; you need deliverance from every stranger in your destiny for you to align with God’s divine agenda! And for you who is still a virgin, I congratulate you! Please keep keeping yourself and doing things God’s way! However, if you’ve not had intercourse but regularly engage in other sexual acts, I’m sorry for you. The devil is waiting to have the last laugh. I pray you refrain! May God bless you all!
I invite you to follow me on Facebook –TEMILOLU OKEOWO Instagram @ Okeowotemilolu
Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a Secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576.

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